6 Ways Financing Can Help Your Legal Career [Guest Post]
From starting your own law firm to becoming an equity partner, the amount you need to spend to grow as a legal professional can be staggering. But you don’t have to take on these substantial costs alone.
Mental Health and Wellness of Florida Lawyers
Recent studies and statistics provide evidence of the problems Florida lawyers are facing. Just a fraction of the available data shows these issues can no longer be the elephant in the room. Lawyers lead the nation with the highest incidence of depression. Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to suffer from depression than nonlawyers. The suicide rate of lawyers is double that of the general population.
Mental Health First Aid Training
In todays episode, Joe Ankus gives his thoughts about mental health first aid training and what positive impacts it can have on law firms that use it.
Running a Better Law Firm Using Project Management
Managing your firm’s cases can be overwhelming, especially during times of growth and high-performance.
How to Increase Profits and Stay Organized by Running a Lean Law Firm
It’s difficult for law firms these days: Client demands, increased competition, and the distractions of technology can put pressure on any business. Law firms that try to respond with very outdated “traditional” firm management techniques are greatly susceptible to falling victim to the chaos.
How to Manage Your Email Using Technology – and Get Your Time and Sanity Back
Managing email is easy when you have a clear set of boundaries and rules, and when you can “train” your inbox to do most of the sorting for you
All Rise: A Practical Guide to Lawyer Hope Health and Wellness
This is a free CLE video from The Florida Bar Special Committee on Mental Health & Wellness for Florida Lawyers.
Mindfulness & Lawyer Well-Being Insights and Tips for Practice
his engaging presentation on mindfulness offers a practical assessment of mindfulness in today’s world.
Professional Liability Insurance: Everything You Need to Ask
This seminar provides a discussion of the current trends in professional liability insurance, and what important policies and procedures you need to be aware of that may apply to your law practice.
Attorney Identity Theft
Shanell Schuyler gives us some tips about attorney identity theft scams, what they look like, and what both lawyers and clients can do to prevent them.
Physical Security and Workplace Violence
Deputy M. Dean Crump talks about workplace violence and the importance of training employees to handle it properly. He discusses how to safely deal with terminations, physical security measures, and how to prepare for an active shooter situation.
Certification through the BLSE
Diana Kellogg, Jessica Malloy, and Steven Rubin talk about the BLSE including what the certification process looks like and why it’s important for attorneys.
Attorney Mental Health and Wellness
Larry Krieger expands on why attorneys often struggle with depression and the wellbeing factors that may lead to satisfaction in a legal career.
Navigating Ethics and Advertising
Elizabeth Clark Tarbert talks about The Florida Bar’s Ethics and Advertising Department, including their role with the Bar, common questions they are asked, and why lawyers shouldn’t be afraid to call them for advice.
Year End Insurance Planning for Law Firms
Member Benefits CEO Chip Trefry talks about end of the year insurance planning for lawyers.
Bar Complaints: Understanding the Process and How to Avoid Them
Shanell Schuyler discusses common complaints her office receives and how lawyers can avoid being the cause of these complaints.
The Power and Practice of Mindfulness
In this legal podcast, Scott Rogers talks about using mindfulness as a way to maintain well-being as a lawyer.
Don’t Let Ransomware Hold Your Firm Hostage
With the new year come new challenges- and not just the legal kind. The holidays are a fertile time for hacking attacks. As firms close for the holidays and computer and security staff leave for break, computer systems, networks, and servers are left unattended. Such is the perfect time for an attack that takes time to effectuate, but is devastating for the target. This is the M.O. of the “ransomware” attack.
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