Crazy Stories of Lawyer Misconduct
January 15, 2025 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
$60.00Approved by The Florida Bar for 1.0 hour of General CLE credit including 1.0 hour of Ethics CLE credit.
What were they thinking? Did they expect to get away with it? Those are the things you’d say when you hear some of the more outrageous things that lawyers have done. And while it’s likely that none of us would ever do things that are so stupid, they do give us all a chance to learn about the attorney ethics rules.
Topics include:
• A crime ring and Rule 8.4(b)
• Incredible lies and Rule 3.3
• Trying to intimidate a witness and Rule 8.4(d)
• Getting too close to our clients and Rule 1.8
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Stuart I. Teicher, Esq. is a professional legal educator who focuses on ethics law and writing instruction. A practicing attorney for over 25 years, Stuart’s career is now dedicated to helping fellow attorneys survive the practice of law and thrive in the profession. Mr. Teicher teaches seminars, provides in-house training to law firms and legal departments, provides CLE instruction at law firm client events, and also gives keynote speeches at conventions and association meetings.
Mr. Teicher helps attorneys get better at what they do (and enjoy the process) through his entertaining and educational CLE Performances. He speaks, teaches, and writes— Thomson Reuters published his book entitled, Navigating the Legal Ethics of Social Media and Technology.
Mr. Teicher is a Supreme Court appointee to the New Jersey District Ethics Committee where he investigates and prosecutes grievances filed against attorneys. Mr. Teicher is an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law where he teaches Professional Responsibility, and he is an adjunct professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick where he teaches undergraduate writing courses.